All posts by hipathadmin

Creation of a Jewel

3 Nephi  24:17 – “And they shall be mine, saith the Lord of Hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels”

The greatest missionaries of the Book of Mormon were possibly Alma and the sons of Mosiah. They were described as ‘the vilest of sinners’ until the miracle of conversion came as the result of a faithful father’s prayer. The sons of Mosiah gave up every worldly thing, including their father’s kingdom because they could not bear that anyone should be eternally cut off from the presence of God, as they very nearly had been.

They did everything they could to repair the wrongs they did in spite of being smitten and ridiculed by many. They left their homes to teach the gospel to their enemies. They fasted and prayed much and suffered hunger and fatigue and the very real deprivations of rejection and imprisonment.

Here is the miracle of the work of God. Only He can take people with cold, hard hearts and refine them into beautiful crystal. He won’t take our hearts. He waits for us to give them to him.

I have heard it said that we are not the light, we only reflect the light, however when we are purified, we not only reflect the light, our whole being can fill with the light of our Savior, and like the crystal, we can turn that perfect light into a rainbow of comfort, peace, hope and charity that others may see and be warmed by.

Addiction recovery is all about realizing we can be completely clean:

D&C 88:67 – “And if your eye be single to my glory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light, and there shall be no darkness in you; and that body which is filled with light comprehendeth all things.”
